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Linda's Scrap Book Album

Famous ''Main Street Christmas Tree'' History,

Every Christmas season from the 1930's until about 1978 the

famous immense fir tree at the corner of Main Street and 102nd

Avenue in Bothell, glowed with Christmas lights strung by

different community groups and a large white star on top.

The November 1962 issue of Life Magazine recognized the
tree as "The world's largest, living Christmas tree, it
measures over 112 feet tall and 9 feet around the trunk..."

The property of the immense fir once belonged to Dr. Elmer
Lytle. In 1896 the ''Lytle House" was built on the property
and served as a home and office for Dr. Lytle. In 1974 the
''Lytle House'' was moved to the Bothell Landing Park where
it is situated among other historical buildings in the park. It is
one of the oldest houses still standing in Bothell

Rumor has it that upon the removal of the "Lytle House' , the
roots of the fir were somewhat disrupted. Within the next few
years, the top of the tree showed signs of stress and in
approximately 1979 the tree was topped to save it.

The property changed hands a few times and is now owned
by Nancy Pipinich who runs her State Farms Insurance
business there. The fir tree is currently very healthy. It has
grown a nice new top and is now nearly 13 feet in
circumference. Nancy and her husband felt that it was time
to once again, light up the famous tree and bring Bothell's
lovely, old time tradition of the "Christmas Tree Lighting
Festival" back to Main Street.

Almost 40 years later on December 6th, 2015, the delightful
fir tree on the corner of Main Street and 102nd Avenue once
again sparkles with Christmas lights. ~ Linda Dorsey


Information compiled by Linda Dorsey at Bothell Main Street Antiques with special thanks to
The Bothell Historical museum for information and photos,
the books "Slough of Memories "and "Bothell Washington Then and Now''

''The Bothell Citizen", and our awesome long time Bothell residents.

Linda & Tom Dorsey
Bothell Main Street Antiques
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